LinkedIn Advertising

Reach employees and executives alike by advertising in the number one professional social media channel.

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LinkedIn advertising reaches experts with highly targeted messages

Do you want to reach B2B buyers or boost your recruitment efforts? Try advertising on LinkedIn.

Users mostly spend time on LinkedIn in a professional capacity. That’s why ads targeted at a specific field or organization work extremely well on the platform. LinkedIn is also unparalleled for reaching senior executives.

The popularity of LinkedIn is rising both domestically and globally. In 2021, almost 1.5 million people used the platform in Finland. The number of active users is in the hundreds of thousands. People working in HR, IT and marketing are especially active on the platform. Organizations in the public sector, such as the Finnish Tax Administration, are also beginning to utilize LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is also the most important channel for recruitment marketing. The level of detailed, work-related targeting offered by LinkedIn’s advertising tools is even more valuable now that the targeting possibilities of Meta (Facebook & Instagram) have declined. On LinkedIn you can target your advertising based on, for example, age, skills, job title and organization.

What kind of content works for LinkedIn advertising?

Content on LinkedIn tends to be more professional compared to other social media channels. Typical LinkedIn content includes sharing expert blogs, webinars and recaps of work events.

People and videos make for valuable content. If you’re advertising a webinar or an event, photos of people work better than ads without them. The easiest route to high engagement and reach is encouraging experts to publish and share work-related content using their own personal profiles.

LinkedIn ad types

Organic content will only reach your existing followers on LinkedIn, so paid advertising is required if you want to reach a wider audience. LinkedIn supports various ad types and works well for both brand and tactical advertising.

Different types of LinkedIn ads:

  • Image
  • Video
  • Lead Gen Form

Outside the EU, LinkedIn also offers targeted ad messages.

How to advertise on LinkedIn

Getting started with LinkedIn advertising follows the same rule as any other (social media) advertising. You need to have some idea of what and to whom you’re advertising. This will give you an indication of whether LinkedIn is the right platform for you.

From a technical standpoint, LinkedIn advertising only requires a LinkedIn account. You need to open an accompanying ad account, connect a payment card to it and that’s it – you’re ready to go!

You can create paid LinkedIn ads if the size of the target audience is at least 300 people. Getting started doesn’t require big investments.

You should keep in mind, however, that conversions on LinkedIn tend to be costlier than conversions on Meta’s platforms, for example. This is because of the targeting options that LinkedIn offers – no other social media channel can offer targeting at an organizational or job title level. It makes more sense, then, to compare LinkedIn to advertising in other professional media, like magazines or professional websites.

If your organization doesn’t have a LinkedIn account yet, we’re happy to create one for you. We can also help plan and publish organic content for the account.

Why buy LinkedIn advertising from Paper Planes?

We’ll take care of the entire package: we can craft ad content that really speaks to your audience and ensure the content reaches the right people. You can trust us to take the time to carefully monitor, optimize and report on your advertising. We monitor our customers’ channels manually, visiting the ad accounts sometimes even daily to ensure you get the best possible results.

Our advertising process has been optimized over time and can be tailored to your needs. With our long-time customers, we usually take the following steps:

  • defining target audiences and goals
  • planning and creating the ad content
  • creating the ads for the channel
  • targeting and optimization
  • reporting the results.

Our digital marketing wizards are always refreshing their skills and constantly up to date on the latest LinkedIn updates. It doesn’t hurt that our digital advertising team is small and agile – sharing knowledge is in their blood. As our customer, you have the benefit of the entire team’s collective know-how at your disposal.

Do you need help with planning and implementing LinkedIn advertising? Contact us!